Shehzad Muhammad

About Me


I'm Computer Science graduate from Ryerson University with a passion for Web Development. I pride myself in my communication skills and being able to work well with others. I enjoy learning new concepts and increasing my knowledge and experience in software development.



To the annoyance of my parents I've been into gaming since I was very young. I'm particularly interested in FPS, RPG's or fighting games.


Ever since I graduated high school I've gotten into weight lifting to lose a bit of weight but it has now become a part of my lifestyle. I try to go at least 5 times a week.


I'm a big Toronto Raptors fan dating back to when they first started their recent run of success with Kyle Lowry and Demar DeRozan, so I am definitely not a bandwagoner! Having to witness any loss for the Raptors is a pain, I wouldn't wish on anyone.



I currently work at Xactly Corp as a Technical Support Engineer. I handle incoming client support tickets that come in and I solve these issues either through the client platform or using Microsft SQL Server to look through the data and code.



Chat App


Forum Site

Old Site

Zara Site

zara 1 zara 2
Why Did I Make It

I wanted to learn how to make a more impressive website than just a simple querying from an API. I decided to make a full stack MERN (Mongo, Express, React and NodeJs) application because I wanted to learn more server side code and I wanted this also added onto my familiarity with React. I was very satisfied in developing the backend server with an API as I was always intersted in that side of web development. I am a big fan of Zara and if you ask most of my friends they'll tell you right away it's my favourite brand so I decided I would make a mock zara site with my own API. In the site, you can view the items and add them to your shopping cart and check them out.

I hosted the site on heroku so you can check it out.
Click Here!
What Did I Learn

For this project I learned how to use NodeJS and Express to build my own API using Mongo Atlas and I was able to host the API on a server to access its data. I also discovered Postman which is a tool that makes API calls without the need for the front end. I could test out GET, POST and DELETE requests from the platform itself. Subsequently I learned how to connect the backend to React and access the data. I was introduced to Redux in this project for managing the states of my collected data. I learned how to make reducers and controllers and how to access them with axios. I also was able to create the shopping cart which is local data not data from the API.

Final Thoughts

After finishing this project and hosting it, I was very proud to have this as the first real project that I can demonstrate my skills in Web Development. This project also made me realise how much I enjoy making and learning about web projects.

Git Repo

Weather App

Why Did I Make It and What Did I Learn

The first personal project I completed using React is a Weather App. I wanted to understand how to query data from an API and display onto a website. I learned how to make calls from an API and use a form for querying the data. I used APIXU API because it is on a secure HTTPS instead of HTTP, I was able to query enough data for a 5 day forecast.

Git Repo

Chat App

Why Did I Make It and What Did I Learn

Once I started to learn NodeJS I came across Socket.IO which very easily showed me how to make a chat application. From there I tried to add my own components: creating a username and informing when othe users have joined. Sockiet.IO demonstrated a way how chat applications can be developed.

Git Repo

Forum Site

forum 1 forum 2
Why Did I Make It

I wanted to make the forum site because in the Zara Site I was able to use GET requests to collect my data, however there wasn’t an option POST or DELETE requests. I made a forum site where you can ask a question and comment on other posts. I wanted to learn how to provide user authentication and login.

What Did I Learn

I learned how to do user authentication and login. I learned of conditional rendering so that only the user can delete their own posts and comments. Initially I had difficulty inserting comments for posts but after trial and error I was able to resolve the issue. I also learned how to get data from the URL, when you the specific post is requested the postsID is in the url and the QuestionPage component grabs that ID and uses it to access the data.

Final Thoughts

Finishing this site was my most rewarding experience due to there being many difficutlies that almost caused me to scrap the project entirely. I had diffculty in calling the api for the data in the forums based on how I created the data set. After some trial and error I was able to model the data in a way where I could call it successfully.

Git Repo

Old Site

oldsite1 oldsite2
Why Did I Make It and What Did I Learn

This was the first iteration of my personal site. I used ReactJS and I wanted to go with this style of each page being a card thats slide into the screen. Looking back for improvements I wanted to remove the fluff that was present in my old site. For future iterations I am aiming for a minimalist deisgn

I hosted this site on firebase, check it out Click Here! Git Repo